Hello from the Redheads
I'm married. Marriage can be tough, it's the reason so many books and movies end at the wedding. It can also be wildly rewarding. It is a never-ending adventure in joy and pain, in laughter and sadness, and tough decisions. My husband and I have decided to share some of our adventures, some of our laughter, some of our pain. An honest look into the hilarity and struggle of marriage.
Ireland: just where a couple redheads belong
Both of us are dreamers, hubby is also a schemer. A day doesn't go by without him having a new idea for a business venture. These ideas provide endless fodder for laughter down the road. I used to get worked up or upset, now I shake my head. Don't get me wrong, the ideas aren't always bad, one time we paid all our bills for a month with the money he make with his eBay store. He'd go to thrift shops and yard sales, find a good deal, and then sell it. Then he got bored.
Horses, the only competition for Hubby's heart that I have to worry about
The one constant for both of us are horses. He trains racehorses, I help and also train dressage and jumping horses. Horses are our passion as well as our livelihood. You are probably thinking that that doesn't sound like a very reliable source of income. You would be correct. Some of our biggest struggles and most heated discussions happen because of this. Passionate people living their dreams and trying to figure out how to pay the bills each month, good thing we both have a highly developed sense of humor.
Keep checking back here for stories full of heart and laughter. Our adventures made funny just for you.