Heading east
Just went through St. Louis, next stop Lexington!!! I am beyond excited! Slider is traveling like a champ. I left Idaho for Phoenix just over a week ago. After soaking up 7 days of sun my traveling partner (a fellow makeover competitor based in Phoenix) and I headed out early Saturday morning. Our first layover was in Amarillo (my hometown), then we stayed in Eureka, Missouri. I have truly loved watching the country roll by. The changes in terrain and the composition of soil and vegetation is fascinating. #nerdalert.
Oklahoma sunrise
Amarillo sunset
Illinois sunrise
I don't think the fact that I will be riding at KHP had actually hit me yet. Will most likely be some squealing when we arrive at the entrance.
smiles all around
I know Monica will be there, I hope maybe some of you others will come? I actually have an extra ticket (does that count add buying friends?). I'm in stall 123 and Slider is horse number 15. He is in the sale so come buy him! We do dressage Thursday morning and the freestyle mid day Friday. Keep all your fingers crossed that we qualify for the Saturday finale!
pretty boys
ok it is light enough to start taking pictures so I'm out. See you in Kentucky!