Grrr Storms
Stormy spring weather keeps thwarting my attempts to ride. I mean, I'm not begrudging the weather, it is spring-like instead of winter-like, so really I'm in a winning situation. We will just call it #firstworldproblems for the worst thing going on in my day to day to be not perfect weather. It isn't even cold, it is a pleasant almost 60 degrees.
Can't ride? At least we look good
I tacked up my horse (in a totally great outfit) and climbed aboard. Mind you we had been dealing with rain, hail, intense sun, and unceasing wind while tacking up and he was practically asleep. This was his opinion of the hail:
"I love the feel of hail hitting my back"
He stood perfectly still at the mounting block and walked off like a gentleman. He was stretching down on a long rein, I was congratulating myself on not whimping out. The whole time I tacked up I couldn't decide if I was bring crazy or tough, for example my pad and Ogilvy blew off his back before I could get the saddle on. Anyways we are walking along when suddenly:
Note the state of the skies
Well, that blue barrel you see near his left ear was apparently going to murder us is broad daylight. We are walking along and got within about 15 feet of that barrel, he tensed up and familiar with his abilities at teleporting horizontally I hurriedly tried to collect my reins so that we could stop and he could think. I believe that the wind had turbocharged his engines because before I could say, 'easy boy' we were spinning and bolting back up to the top of the arena. I just sat up and grabbed one rein, you want to bolt buddy? Well your option is not bolting or doing it in a tiny circle. He stopped and we stood there breathing heavily. After our collective breath was caught we walked progressively larger circles until we made it around the arena.
Sparkle shine not added manually
We had one more potential bolting spook that I quashed before it happened thankfully. After our second successful circuit of the arena I got off and called it good. What do you do when it is too windy to ride?
Notice the bonnet blowing in the wind
Take selfies with your cute pony. Also, check out that cool scarf I got on sale from My Barn Child. Princess crowns and skulls, I think yes!
Horse kisses make the world go 'round
When your thoughts are, 'I would like to live to ride another day' it is a good time to get off. At least my horse is cute for just looking at, I really wanted to get some dressage video, but whatevs.
I tried riding miss Zida today, still windy, she managed to hold it together until some sheet metal took flight a mere 10 feet from us. She skittered around, I stayed on, then got off and said screw it, my house needs cleaned.