Smiles for Days
Over the weekend I went for a lesson with a new trainer for Prisoner and I. I wanted to try something new and really thought about it for a long time. I came to the conclusion that it could be really successful so I went for it. I will do an actual write up, but if you are wondering about the success, check out these smiles. Many thanks to Alyssa and Aimee for capturing media!
Happy concentration faces
Relaxing over little fences
Cute knees and a smile makes for a winning combo
So happy
As someone who looks notoriously serious while jumping, so many smiles is a big deal.
No shame
At one point Prisoner attemtped to have some OPINIONZ so the trainer had us really gallop around the arena to change the subject. This is something I've done with previous horses for training purposes as well as for the total bliss of it, I love going fast. Somehow I'd lost this key element with Prisoner's training and placed ourselves on eggshells. Needless to say full bore galloping around the arena (and discovering that I had total control over him) was one of the most amazing things I have felt in a long time. I was actually laughing out loud for the joy of it as we blasted around.
Complete and total joy
I am still smiling two days later.
yeah, I like going fast.