Make me a Liar

So if you follow along on facebook or instagram (@redheadlins) you know that I've been jumping Prisoner.  A couple weeks ago something new (to me) and magical and french arrived in the mail.  It felt so magical that I decided I would pop over a few jumps with the floofy pony, no pressure, just for fun.  I thought he might enjoy the change of pace after 4.5 months of nothing but dressage.  Well...he was freaking fantastic!

Like no big deal

Like no big deal

I started out trotting over some cross rails and little verticals, he felt so great I up and decided to canter around a turn to this oxer.  He just cantered right up to it, no rushing, no head in the air, no sideways, two times in a row.  I promptly cooled him out while grinning like a loon.  In fact he felt so good that I brought him to a jump lesson the next week.  I went with the plan that if he wanted to jump then cool beans and if he didn't than no worries I would just keep calling him a dressage horse.  It was a whole cauldron full of cool beans.

Don't mind us, just flying

Don't mind us, just flying

It was practically magical (apparently this is today's theme).  We were forward, straight, and honest.  I think that our months of dressage gave him a chance to get more trained, gave the both of us a chance to work through some baggage that we had with each other, and I really think it also gave him a chance to heal from some underlying body soreness.

Bold as can be

Bold as can be

It was an amazing feeling to be jumping this horse and feeling all this training that I have put in with him and have it all click.  I was actually able to trust him and I think he felt like he could trust me.  I worked hard to not sing 'climb every mountain' (sound of music) all week and keep any sneaky hopes and dreams at bay.  One good jump session does not a Prelim horse make.  I went for another lesson yesterday and it was not quite as magical, but still pretty great.

Saddle pad spoiler alert

Saddle pad spoiler alert

Aimee even came and took video and pictures.  I started out slightly worked up for who knows what reason, but then we settled and had some great jumps.  Prisoner attempted some drama at one point (at a cross rail after already being fine with verticals, oxers, and flowers) but I didn't play into it and we quickly moved on.

Watchful coach and her trusty sidekick cat

Watchful coach and her trusty sidekick cat

He was a bit zoomy, but we still felt like a team and that was a great feeling.  I'm going to keep jumping him, not putting pressure on myself, and see where this goes.  I love adventures!

Let's just stare at my leg

Let's just stare at my leg

Side note here, it is possible that I never want to ride in a non french saddle ever ever again.