A sappy post for the weekend

Probably the number one thing that has helped me get through this summer of rocky self confidence is hashing things out with my friends (and mom!). They make me laugh, give me a shoulder to cry on, and promise to slap me if I have a truly terrible idea.

Mostly we just take pictures with our horses

Mostly we just take pictures with our horses

They give me permission to get pissed off, or to have a judgement free crying session.  They help build me back up and tell me when the stupid thoughts in my head are lying to me.  They encourage joy inducing ridiculous behavior with horses as well as eating my sorrows away in a giant bowl of frozen yogurt.  They are always reaching out a hand and pulling me out of dark holes, they shine light in the shadows.  We can't talk for long before my sense of humor comes out of hiding and my incessant positivity reappears. 

Smiles for everyone

Smiles for everyone

I think we all agree that horse friends are the best friends and I don't think that it can be said enough.  Whether you need a pat on the back or a swift kick in the ass, horse friends are there for you.

Even Slider looks at the camera

Even Slider looks at the camera

I was listening to the radio the other day and hating myself a bit for loving the new Justin Bieber song.  Seriously though, it is pretty great.  Except for maybe two lines it really applies to friendships.  Yes, I'm going to share it with you, and you are in luck, it is the lyrics video so you don't actually have to see the Biebs.  In fact lets just pretend someone else is singing it.

Hopefully you enjoyed that.  Anyways, back to my point.  Get yo self some horsey girl friends, they are the best. I realize that that advice is pretty redundant with the crowd that will be reading this, but that doesn't make it any less true.  Really what I need here is some sort of mega blogger selfie, all of your support has been very appreciated

Friends who wear bracelets together stick together, or something like that.

Friends who wear bracelets together stick together, or something like that.